Tableflip .gif
Tableflip .gif


I’m not complaining, but it does feel like this season just began a few weeks ago. Remember when RHONJ’s seasons were 25 episodes long? I suppose with the cast moving in and out of meatball prison, the kids at Bravo decided keeping the shooting schedule as brief as possible was the way to go.


Feel free to fork this repo and contribute.Somehow it’s already Real Housewives of New Jersey reunion time.Contributions to the project are most welcome!.Consider leaving a ⭐ if you found this library helpful.spotifynp( url = "", title = "", artist = "", album = "") Ending Note gif/.png/.jpg title: title of song artist: artist name album: album name Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby.

tableflip .gif

# Spotify Now Playing ''' url: link to image ->.


gif/.png/.jpg hex: hex code of color without the '#' text: text to display Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # This is Spotify ''' url: link to image ->.

tableflip .gif

# Color ''' hex: hex code of color without the '#' Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Currency ''' type: type of currency | dollar, euro, pound, yen amount: amount -> int Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. gif/.png/.jpg tint: bool -> True/False Returns: Image Buffer (gif) ''' buffer = my_weeby.

tableflip .gif

# Tweet Fetch ''' name: name of the user text: text to display Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Tweet ''' url: link to image -> /gif/.png/.jpg name: name of the user text: text to display Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. gif/.png/.jpg name: name of the user message: text to display Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. demotivational( url = "", title = "", text = "") gif/.png/.jpg title: title -> str text: text -> str Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Demotivational ''' url: link to image ->. gif/.png/.jpg text1: name of first user text2: name of second user Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. gif/.png/.jpg url2: link to second image ->. # Friendship ''' url1: link to first image ->. eject( url = "", text = "", outcome = "") gif/.png/.jpg text: name/username of the user outcome: imposter/notimposter/ejected Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Image & Text ''' Types Avilable: achievement, bartchalkboard, changemymind, lisapresentation, jimwhiteboard Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Two Text ''' Types Available: drakeposting, spiderman, twobuttons, tuxedopooh, icarly Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Text ''' Types Available: belikebill, clyde, hollywoodstar Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. gif/.png/.jpg Returns: Image Buffer ''' buffer = my_weeby. # Two Images ''' Types Available: batslap, bed, crush, cuddle, dwightscared, hug, nani, peterglasses, samepicture, ship, whowouldwin, expectreality, amogus Image Type. # One Image ''' Types Available: 3000years, airpods, amiajoke, bad, beautiful, berniemittens, bobross, challenger, delet, dexter, fear, garbage, heman, jokeoverhead, painting, patrick, photograph, picture, respect, sacred, thumbs, tobecontinued, truth, wanted, wedontdothathere, whodidthis, worthless, leonardopointing, jojoshock, hot, soraselfie, helivesinyou, stonks, mycollectiongrows, tableflip, tattoo, leonardoglass, standingkitty, rickripswall, wynaut, berniefinancialsupport, vsaucecomputer, waitthatsillegal Image type. save( "generated.png") Using Overlays Method intensity( image_url = "your_image_url", width = 200, height = 200) # Resize Image (Limit: 1-2000 for both width and height) ''' Returns Image Buffer Image type ->.

tableflip .gif

intensity( image_url = "your_image_url", type = "desaturate", # Level Effects ''' Types avaialable -> fisheye, desaturate Returns Image Buffer Image type ->. intensity( image_url = "your_image_url", type = "darkness", # Intensity Effects ''' Types avaialable -> brightness, darkness, distort Returns Image Buffer Image type ->. general( image_url = "your_image_url", type = "greyscale") # General Effects ''' Types available -> blur, contrast, edge, greyscale, invert, pixelize, sepia, sharpen, silhouette, threshold, blurple, invertedthreshold, invertedgreyscale Returns Image Buffer Image type ->. Import weeby from PIL import Image from io import BytesIO my_weeby = weeby.

Tableflip .gif